Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sticky Post: Suggestions Welcome!

Okay, I know that anyone reading this blog (since it's not exactly excitement heavy) probably likes to read. And if you like to read, you probably have a favorite book or twelve. So here's your chance! Tell me what you think I should read!

Edit: All types of books welcome - fiction and non-fiction, genre and literary, short and long, funny and angsty. The more books the merrier!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December Reads

(Complete: December 31)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. Lost In A Good Book - by Jasper Fforde
  2. Bed of Roses - by Nora Roberts (%)
  3. The Well Of Lost Plots - by Jasper Fforde
  4. Green Rider - by Kristen Britain

Monday, November 30, 2009

November Reads

(Complete: November 30)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. His Majesty's Dragon - by Naomi Novik (%)
  2. Letters to Malcolm - by C.S. Lewis (%)
  3. The Eyre Affair - by Jasper Fforde

Month in Review:

  1. Total: 3
  2. New: 2
  3. Reviews: 0

Year in Review:
  1. Total: 42
  2. Reviews: 8
  3. New: 20

Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Reads

(Complete: October 31)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. New Moon - by Midori Snyder (%)
  2. Sadar's Keep - by Midori Snyder (%)
  3. Beldan's Fire - by Midori Snyder (%)

Month in Review:

  1. Total: 3
  2. New: 3
  3. Reviews: 0

Year in Review:
  1. Total: 39
  2. Reviews: 8
  3. New: 18

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September Reads

(Complete: September 30)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. Howl's Moving Castle - by Diana Wynne Jones
  2. Crazy Love - Francis Chan (%)
  3. Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea - Diana Marcellas (%)

Month in Review:

  1. Total: 3
  2. New: 2
  3. Reviews: 0

Year in Review:
  1. Total: 36
  2. Reviews: 8
  3. New: 15

Monday, August 31, 2009

August Reads

(Complete: August 31)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. Adopted For Life - by Russell D. Moore (%)

Month in Review:

  1. Total: 1
  2. New: 1
  3. Reviews: 0

Year in Review:
  1. Total: 34
  2. Reviews: 8
  3. New: 14

Friday, July 31, 2009

July Reads

(Complete: July 31)

(%) = New
(!) = Do Not Own

  1. Broken Angel - by Sigmund Brouwer (%)

Month in Review:

  1. Total: 1
  2. New: 1
  3. Reviews: 1

Year in Review:
  1. Total: 33
  2. Reviews: 8
  3. New: 13

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Broken Angel

by Sigmund Brouwer


I thought this book had an interesting premise, but I felt as though I spent the whole time waiting to figure out why I should care about what was happening. The characters were very two-dimensional, to the point where there were times where I couldn't figure out whose point-of-view the story was being told from. (The frequent point-of-view changes didn't help with that either.)

I felt as though this book would have been a lot better if it were a couple hundred pages longer. there was a lot to the plot that could have been fleshed out more fully which, I think, would have resulted in a more enjoyable book.